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Eating Sushi

therapy for
eating disorders

Your relationship with food doesn't have to feel so stressful. 
Learn how to quiet the obsessive thoughts, be less self-critical, build a healthier relationship with food, and regain control of your life.
what is an eating disorder?

An eating disorder is a complex mental health condition that impacts the way you think about food, eat, and feel about your body. It's not just about wanting to look a certain way - it's a deeper issue that affects your emotions, thoughts, and actions related to food and your body.

People with eating disorders develop extreme eating habits. For instance, you might drastically limit your food intake, leading to severe weight loss and nutritional deficiencies. On the other hand, you might go through periods of eating excessively large amounts of food in a short time (binge eating), followed by trying to get rid of the calories in harmful ways like vomiting or excessive exercise.

The thoughts and emotions connected to eating disorders can be overwhelming and distressing. You might constantly worry about your appearance and be very critical of your body, no matter how you actually look. You might also feel a strong need to control what you eat, which can interfere with your daily life and relationships.

Eating disorders have serious physical and psychological consequences, which is why it's so important to seek support. 
The good news? With evidence-based treatment, your relationship with food and with your body can improve significantly. It is totally possible to live a life that's not so focused on what you eat or your appearance. 


Recurring and obsessive thoughts about food, weight, and appearance
Rigid or impulsive behaviours with food and/or exercise (strict rules about what or when to eat, feeling out of control while eating, excessive exercise to compensate for food eaten, purging)
A distorted perception of one's body, often accompanied by self-criticism, dissatisfaction, and a constant desire to change physical appearance
Feeling guilty or shameful after eating, especially after consuming foods considered "unhealthy" or in larger quantities
Withdrawal from social activities or events that involve food to avoid potential triggers or situations that could disrupt strict eating habits
Physical symptoms including nutritional deficiencies, electrolyte imbalances, digestive issues, fatigue, menstrual changes, or rapid weight changes 
how i work with eating disorders
I take a non-diet, Health At Every Size approach to working with my clients. I am trained in a number of evidence-based therapies proven to be effective in treating eating disorders including Enhanced Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT-E)Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). 
Together, we'll tailor your treatment to address the aspects of your eating disorder you're struggling with most. Areas we focus on may include:
  • learning skills to manage difficult emotions like anxiety and guilt
  • challenging distorted beliefs about food and your body
  • normalizing your eating patterns and connecting with your intuitive eating skills
  • developing a sense of self outside of the eating disorder
  • learning coping strategies to manage urges to restrict, binge and/or purge
  • making changes to improve your physical health
  • improving your confidence and ability to tackle feared foods and situations 
  • using mindfulness to respond to triggers effectively 
  • reducing self-criticism through self-compassion 
  • building an attitude of body acceptance 
  • preventing relapse

Sometimes traumatic or painful experiences are at the root of an eating disorder. Once you are stable in recovery, we may decide to do some deeper work on long-standing issues that contributed to the development of your eating disorder or negative relationship with your body. 
Because eating disorders are not just a psychological issue and can also significantly impact your physical and nutritional health, I will often recommend involving your GP and a non-diet dietitian to supplement our work together. 
Check out my recommended resources for eating disorders and body image

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

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Cognitive Behavior  Therapy (CBT)

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Challenge and reframe distorted thoughts that are causing you problems.

Gain the skills needed to regulate, tolerate, and be mindful of tough emotions.

Develop a healthier relationship with your inner world and refocus your life on your personal values.

Gain the confidence and skills needed to face your fears.

ready to get started?

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Serving Kitchener, Waterloo, and the rest of Ontario 



304-684 Belmont Avenue
Kitchener, ON
N2M 1N6

Mon: 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Tues: 9:00am - 5:00pm (in-person)
Wed: 3:00pm - 6:00pm 
Thurs: 2:00pm - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 12:00pm 

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